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Electorrent is a remote control client desktop application for qBittorrent, rTorrent, Transmissio...
Recommended FTP Clients
Here are some FTP clients we recommend you use to manage your service files. FileZilla F...
Navidrome is an open source web-based music collection server and streamer. It gives you freedom ...
ruTorrent Ratio Groups
Ratio groups are an advanced feature in rTorrent & ruTorrent that give you precise control over s...
Please make yourself aware of the Fair Usage Policy. Directly pointing Syncthing to ...
MTR Guide
This is a guide for gathering useful information on issues with the download and upload speeds th...
Password Policy
How Stores Passwords uses trusted software platforms, allowing you to have the ...
In this guide, we will be setting up LazyLibrarian for the first time. This guide assumes the fol...
Pyload-ng is a free opensource download manager written in Python. It is designed to be extremely...
External Backup Script using Rclone
This script allows for an automatic backup of important information related to the configuration ...
External Backup Script using Rsync
This script will create an archived backup in .tar.gz format and transfer the backup with rsync. ...
File Cleaner
This Shell script allows for automatic deletion of files a set number of days old from the date o...
Midnight Commander
Visual SSH and Desktop based File Manager Midnight commander is a free software which allows you ...
Protect Your Applications with a Strong Password
At, the security of our users is our top most priority, and we take every precaution to ...
Terms of Service
Services may not be used without agreeing to the Terms. The Terms are accepted by the customer an...
Connecting to your slot with FTP
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one way you can manage your files on your Slot. With this, you ca...
Jellyfin Is a Free and Open Source Media System forked from Emby's 3.5.2 and ported to the .NET C...
How to setup VPN
All plans have complimentary VPN service included, which allows you to surf the web secu...
ZNC Is an IRC network bouncer or BNC that is written in C++. It can detach the client from the ac...
Ubooquity is a free home server for your comics and ebooks library. Different WebUIs Ubooquity ...