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In this guide, we will be setting up LazyLibrarian for the first time. This guide assumes the following:

  • You have a working Torrent Client Setup
  • You have LazyLibrarian installed and ready for configuration
  • You have Jackett installed for use with certain Providers

Securing your WebUI.

Upon loading LazyLibrarian, You will need to navigate to Config to list all the settings required to begin using LazyLibrarian; your first step must be to go to Interface > Access Control. Then fill in the desired Username and Password, then click Save. You will need to restart LazyLibrarian from your User Control Panel; then, upon starting, you will need to log in with username and password that you previously set.

Connecting your Download client

We will continue by adding Downloaders. Switch over to the Downloaders tab.


NZBget Details (NON SSL) Value
NZBGet Host
Port Port taken from UCP
Username Username taken from UCP
Password Password you set during install of NZBget
Category You may need to set a new Category in NZBget for this to do so, access NZBget WebUI and go to settings >> Categories >> Scroll to the bottom add new >> save changes >> restart NZBget when prompted
Priority This can be left at 0


Sabnzbd Details (NON SSL) Value
Sabnzbd Host
Port Port taken from UCP
Username Username taken UCP
Password Password you set during install of Sabnzbd
Category You may need to set a new Category in Sabnzbd for this to do so, access Sabnzbd WebUI and go to Config (Cog Icon) >> Categories
Priority This can be left at 0
Sabnzbd API Key Found in Sabnzbd WebUI and go to Config >> General >> Scroll down for your API Key
Sabnzbd URL Base This can be left blank as this is a non SSL Connection
Ext Host/Port This can be left blank as Sabnzbd runs on the same machine as LazyLibrarian.

Deluge Web

Deluge Details Value
Deluge Host
Daemon or webUI Port 443
Username Blank
Password Password you set during install of Deluge
Label You may need to set a new Label in Deluge. For this, to do so, access Deluge WebUI and go to Preferences plugin's then enable Label plugin. This will bring up label in the left-hand panel right-click this to add a new label.
Download Directory This can be left blank, and Deluge will use the Default Download Directory
Deluge Certificate This can be left blank
Deluge URL Base deluge


qBittorrent Details Value
qBittorrent Host
qBittorrent Port 443
Username username
Password Password you set during install of qBittorrent
Download Directory This can be left blank, and qBittorrent will use the Default Download Directory
qBittorrent URL Base qbittorrent


ruTorrent Details (NON SSL) Value
rTorrent Host
rTorrent User Username taken from UCP
rTorrent Pass Password taken from UCP
rTorrent label Can be left blank
rTorrent Directory Leave blank

Configuring Automatic import and Sorting

The following section is Processing. We will highlight only the sections that require editing to help speed up the Setup Process.


Status Option Value
Missing Book Status Recommended to set as wanted as any Missing items you will likely want to fill
New Book Status Recommended to set as wanted as any new releases from an author you will likely want to fill
New AudioBook Status Recommended to set as wanted as any new releases from an author you will likely want to fill
New Authors eBook Status Recommended to set as wanted as any new releases from an author you will likely want to fill
New Authors AudioBook Status Recommended to set as wanted as any new author added will likely have a back catalog
New Found Status Recommended to set as wanted as anything new found in an author catalog will likely be wanted
New Series Status Recommended to set as wanted as you will likely want anything from a new series
Include other books by new authors This will include details for other books by new authors found in wishlists or csv files, or when manually importing a book by a new author


Folders Option Value
Download Directories Should be set as your main download client completed Folder, for example /homeX/usbdocs/files You can add multiple by separating them with a ,(comma)
eBook Library Folder Folder you'd like to store your Ebook formats in after processing
AudioBook Library Folder Folder you'd like to store your Audiobook formats in after processing
Alternate Import/Export Folder Think of this as a Watch Folder LazyLibrarian will watch this Folder for any content that matches any wanted content. It should be a different folder to your main download directories

Adding your first Author

Your first step in adding a new Series/Author/ISBN Number, is to click Series in the top bar and locate the Search bar in the right-hand corner.

The next screen will present you with your possible results. Just click the green button to add the Author.