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This unofficial app installation script is provided for your convenience. The script is provided as-is and may not be updated or maintained by Clients are welcome to use and customize unofficial app installers for their unique needs and requirements. Unofficial support may be offered via Discord only and at the sole discretion of staff. Use at your own risk and only proceed if you are comfortable managing the application on your own.

To use FileBot you will be required to purchase a FileBot license.
FileBot is a custom application with only a basic custom AMC provided. We can not provide support for FileBot beyond installation.

FileBot has a tendency to try and use resources outside of process limits which can cause problems. We would highly recommend an Indexer such as Sonarr/Radarr to organize your media.


For the FileBot installation script to work, you may have to do the following:

  • Purchase a FileBot license and upload it to your slot using FTPS/SFTP


  • Login to your service via SSH
  • Execute the FileBot installation script via the following SSH command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type 1 and press ENTER to proceed with the installation
  • Choose your preferred version
  • After installation has finished. Run source ~/.bashrc to activate the FileBot command in your environment

Importing Your License

In order for your FileBot to work correctly now, it is now required you acquire a license. This license file can be uploaded via FTP or you can create a new file with nano and paste the license key.

  • Execute the FileBot installation script via the following SSH command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type 4 and press ENTER
  • Enter the full path to your FileBot license key, example: /path/to/FileBot_License_PXXXXXXXX.psm

Activating your license can also be done manually by running the command below.

  • filebot --license /path/to/FileBot_License_P1234567.psm

Installation of AMC script

Installation of AMC script for Rtorrent, Deluge or Transmission.

  • Execute the FileBot installation script via the following SSH command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type 5 and press ENTER
  • Choose 1, 2 or 3 depending on which torrent client you are using and press ENTER
  • For Deluge to execute the AMC post-processing script upon torrent completion, follow the instructions shown at the end of the script output in your SSH shell.
    • Execute readlink -f ~/scripts/amc/ and copy the path to your clipboard.
    • In Deluge, go to Preferences -> Execute. Click Add button and select Torrent complete as event. Paste the path from your clipboard in the Command field.
    • Click Add and Apply changes.
    • Restart Deluge from the UCP or execute app-deluge restart
  • For Transmission and rTorrent the AMC post-processing script is automatically added by the installer and further steps are needed.

AMC scripts automatically organize your latest media to your library. Once new media is detected, by default, the scripts do the following:

  • Unpack archives to ~/files/_extracted
  • Auto-detect movie and episode files
  • Fetch subtitles and transcode to SubRip/UTF-8
  • Creates a symbolic link and organizes episodes, movies, and music files to ~/media

You can also edit the scripts to your liking to automate more of your setup. For more information on AMC options, you can visit this link.


  • Execute the FileBot installation script via the following SSH command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type 3 and press ENTER to proceed with the upgrade
  • Choose your preferred version


  • Execute the FileBot installation script via the following SSH command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the uninstallation
  • Type 2 for uninstallation and press ENTER
  • Type 1 to confirm and press ENTER


For any issues/bugs pertaining to FileBot, you may do so to the following channels:

Troubleshooting FAQ for FileBot

Why doesn’t FileBot work? It used to!

Unfortunately, this is because of the TVDB API update around six months ago. The endpoints were updated in the latest versions of FileBot. We provide the last FOSS version. To keep using FileBot, you will need to purchase your license, import and update your FileBot on your slot. You may also find other alternatives.

Why does FileBot keep crashing?

Filebot is designed to compliment torrent clients on our infrastructure. Java, which is one of the dependencies of filebot, has a 1GB proclimit and is not recommended for running filebot in a cron or manage a whole folder at once. This type of action could quickly saturate an entire server’s cores.