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Auto Remove Torrents

This unofficial app installation script is provided for your convenience. The script is provided as-is and may not be updated or maintained by Clients are welcome to use and customize unofficial app installers for their unique needs and requirements. Unofficial support may be offered via Discord only and at the sole discretion of staff. Use at your own risk and only proceed if you are comfortable managing the application on your own.

Autoremove Torrents is an open-source Python project that allows the automatic removal of torrents from various torrent clients based on configurable criteria. It can help manage disk space by deleting torrents when they are finished seeding. Here's the GitHub page of the project.


  • Remove torrents automatically based on ratio, seeding time, inactivity and more
  • Monitor disk space and remove torrents if space runs low
  • Remove oldest, biggest, smallest torrents first
  • Support for all major torrent clients
  • Dry run mode to test without removing
  • Schedule via crontab for hands-off automation

Supported Clients

Autoremove Torrents works with the following torrent clients:

  • qBittorrent

  • Transmission

  • Deluge

  • It supports connecting to the web UI for qBittorrent and Transmission.

  • For Deluge, it connects directly to the daemon via the RPC protocol.


  • Connect to your service via SSH
  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type 1 and press ENTER to proceed with the installation.
  • Done!


Autoremove Torrents uses a YAML configuration file to define the torrent clients and removal rules. By default, Autoremove Torrents will look for a configuration file in the shell's current working directory. But, you can store the configuration file somewhere else and point to it while using Autoremove Torrents. See the below usage instructions for more information.

Client Configuration

The script will create a bare minimum configuration file located at ~/.config/autoremove-torrents/config.yml. You will need to edit the configuration file with your login credentials and removal task/strategies.

  • Open the configuration file with the editor by executing the following command.
nano ~/.config/autoremove-torrents/config.yml
  • Find username and password and replace with the login credentials of your torrent client.
    • Login credentials can be found on the Apps tab of the UCP.
  • Make any other changes specific to your setup, such as removal task/strategies. Documentation can be found here.
  • Exit the editor with ctrl+x and y, press ENTER to confirm.
  • You can test your configuration with a preview dry-run. To do so, execute the following command.
    • Make sure to replace username with your specific Ultra service username.
autoremove-torrents --conf=/home/username/.config/autoremove-torrents/config.yml --view

Removal Strategies

Next, define removal strategies under each client. For example:


    remove: ratio > 2

      min: 10
      path: /downloads
      action: remove-big-seeds
  • You can customize removal rules based on ratio, seed time, activity, disk space and more. See the full documentation for details on all available options.

  • Strategies will only apply to the client they are defined under. You can create multiple strategies per client.


  • Specify a custom config path:
autoremove-torrents --conf=/path/to/config.yml
  • Single Task:
autoremove-torrents --conf=/path/to/config.yml --task transmission
  • Dry run:
autoremove-torrents --view --conf=/path/to/config.yml --task transmission

Dry run allows you to see what would be deleted without actually removing anything.


  • Open Crontab using crontab -e.
  • Select 1 for the nano editor.
  • You can setup a cron job or scheduled task to run autoremove-torrents automatically. For example:
# Run at 2AM every day
0 2 * * * /home/username/.pyenv/shims/autoremove-torrents --conf=/path/to/config.yml
  • Save the crontab file using ctrl + o & exit using ctrl + x.
  • A simple and quick resource for cron schedule expressions: Crontab Guru


  • Connect to your service via SSH
  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type 2 and press ENTER to proceed with the uninstallation.