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Traffic/Disk Usage Command

Your monthly traffic and disk usage statistics can be viewed via shell by running app-stats.

  • Login to your service via SSH.

When you have successfully logged in, execute app-stats show and in the right-hand column you will see disk and traffic statistics on a weekly basis, as shown below.

All traffic and disk values are presented in GB.

 *** disk stats ***
            date  value
7986  2023-02-20   3775
8113  2023-02-26   3463
8281  2023-03-05   3580
8449  2023-03-12   3625
8617  2023-03-19   3752
8785  2023-03-26   3372
8952  2023-04-02   3080
9120  2023-04-09   3277
 *** traffic stats ***
            date  value
7986  2023-02-20   3570
8113  2023-02-26   4224
8281  2023-03-05    182
8449  2023-03-12    430
8617  2023-03-19    760
8785  2023-03-26   1102
8952  2023-04-02     58
9120  2023-04-09    354
  • Traffic stats is shown accumulatively and will reset on the date specified in the UCP.
  • Disk stats will show currently used space in GB.

Usage Instructions

For detailed instructions on how to use the command, execute app-stats show --help and you will be presented with all available command switches.

    -c, --count COUNT:int                          Choose number of stats you want for selected PERIOD
    -s, --stats STATS:{'disk', 'traffic'}          Choose type of stats data
    -t, --type PERIOD:{'week', 'day', 'hour'}      Select type of stats period

With the use of these switches you can customize the command to your liking. See examples below:

  • Show last 10 days of traffic usage: app-stats show -s traffic -t day -c 10
  • Show last 48 hours of traffic usage: app-stats show -s traffic -t hour -c 48
  • Show last 10 days of disk usage: app-stats show -s disk -t day -c 10
  • Show last 24 hours of disk usage: app-stats show -s disk -t hour -c 24