Ultra.cc Networks and Speedtest Files
NOTE:In We2021, currentlyUltra.cc arebegan utilisingoperating 3and networksoverseeing its very own network, aptly named The Ultra Network, YISP.nl Network and Novoserve Network. YISP.nl and Novoserve are third party network and The Ultra Network. isThis ourcutting-edge owninfrastructure networkwas buildmeticulously crafted from scratch using only the latest in hardware and network standards. SinceThis wehas haveafforded builtus unprecedented autonomy in making strategic decisions that cater to our ownunique networkbusiness itneeds, makesultimately noculminating sensein an unrivaled customer experience for you. We are pleased to useannounce that as a result, all third-party networks.infrastructure So, we are slowly decommissioning YISP and Novoserve network fromin our network poolspool andhas willbeen focus our energy and money on making our own network outstanding. It gives us huge freedom to make decisions according to our business needs that helps us in service better customer experience to you.decommissioned.
The Ultra Network
- Servers: Any named server. (Eg:- oblivion, myles, polaris, nyx, ares, etc.)
Speedtest:Speedtest & Network tools: https://ultra.cc/network/speedtest- Looking Glass: https://ultra.cc/network-tools/looking-glass
When Networkrunning
- speedtests,
Website:weYISP.nlhighly Servers:recommendLW9XXthat Speedtest:youhttp://speedtest.yisp.nl/only LookingenableGlass:Multistreamhttp://lg.yisp.nl/if Rerouteyoutool:usehttp://lg.yisp.nl/multithreaded Downloaddownloads.file:Streaminghttp://speedtest.yisp.nl/files/10000mb.binis wget:IPV4:singlewget -4 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.yisp.nl/files/10000mb.bin IPV6: wget -6 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.yisp.nl/files/10000mb.biniperf:Download: iperf3 -c speedtest.yisp.nl -P 10 -4 -R Upload: iperf3 -c speedtest.yisp.nl -P 10 -4
Novoserve Network
Website: Novoserve.comServers: LW8XX,LW6XXSpeedtest:http://speedtest.novoserve.com/Looking Glass:http://lg.novoserve.com/Reroute tool:http://lg.novoserve.com/Download file:http://speedtest.novoserve.com/10GB.binwget:IPV4: wget -4 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.novoserve.com/10GB.bin IPV6: wget -6 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.novoserve.com/10GB.bin