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FTP/SFTP Transfer Script

This script will transfer your data from your slot to another location. Simply add data to the Ultra_Sync directory and it will automatically be transferred to your destination of choice.

As this script is utilizing the FTP or SFTP protocol, no data transferred will be counted towards your monthly upload quota.

The script is unofficial and not supported by staff.


  • Both of the remote services need SSH access enabled
  • Python 3.6+ needs to be installed on source machine


Before you can proceed with installing the FTP/SFTP transfer script, Python needs to be version 3.6 or above.

Upgrade Python

  • Connect to your slot via SSH, see guide here.
  • Once connected, execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the installation.
  • Next, pick a Python version above 3.6 or type 4 for latest version
  • Press ENTER to confirm.
  • When the installation has finished, execute the following command:
source ~/.profile

With Python updated to version 3.6 or above, you can proceed the installation.

Script Installation

  • Connect to your slot via SSH
  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the installation
  • Type 1 and press ENTER

At this point in the installationinstallation, you will be asked to enter access details for the destination of the transfer. Below you will find explanations for each access detail.

  • Username: Username of your destination machine
  • Hostname: Hostname (eg. or of your destination machine
  • Password: SSH/FTP password of your destination machine
  • Port: Default port is 22, but if you use another one on your destination machine, enter that one.
  • Protocol: FTP or SFTP

When you have your access details ready, proceed with the installation.

  • Type your remote destination username and press ENTER
  • Type your remote destination hostname and press ENTER
  • Type your remote destination password and press ENTER
  • Type your remote destination port and press ENTER
  • TypeSelect your remote destination protocolprotocol, press 1 for FTP and press2 for SFTP. Press ENTER to confirm.

If you have entered all the access details successfully, the script installation is finished and the script has been started.


  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the installation.
  • Next, you will be presented with three options:
  • Press 2 to uninstall script. Press ENTER to confirm.

The script will ask you to confirm the uninstallation with YES or NO.

  • Press 1 for uninstall. Press ENTER to confirm.

Usage Information

  1. The script will generate an RSA encryption key for the remote source machine and upload it to the destination machine to facilitate passwordless login via SSH.

  2. Once the RSA encryption key is added to your destination machine, the script will create two directories. Ultra_sync directory on your source machine and Ultra_transfer on your destination machine.
  3. Lastly, the script will set up a cron job on your source machineFiles that willyou runcopy aor rsyncmove command every 4 hours. This will sync your data betweento the two directories.

Do NOT increase the rsync transfer speed if you are using a plan with HDD as this will violate the Fair Usage Policy.

  • The content of directory Ultra_sync directory on your source machine will syncbe automatically transferred to Ultra_transfer on your destination machine every 4 hours.
  • If you delete or move data fromthe Ultra_transfer directory on theyour destination machinemachine.

  • The transfer script will be re-transferredrunning atin a screen session. To check the nextprogress sync.of the transfer, simply execute screen -r UltraSynctool. To avoid this you need to delete the datadetach from the sourcescreen machine.

  • session
  • Ifand you have one of our NVMe plans you can increaseleave the transfer speedrunning, by editing the rsync command.
    • To edit the rsync command, executepress crontab -eCTRL+b and setthen press --bwlimit=100000d.

    • Press CTRL+X,

      If the script stops moving data, or you willby seemistake akilled promptthe askingscreen tosession. save,You can restart the script again. This is done by executing the initial installation command, type confirm and press YENTER. When presented with the three options, select option 3 (restart) and ENTERthe script will restart and initiate a new screen session.