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Factory Reset

This script can be used to completely or partially reset your service.

This is an unofficial script that is provided for your convenience. The script is provided as-is and may not be updated or maintained by CustomersClients are welcome to use and customize unofficial scripts for their unique needs and requirements. Unofficial support may be offered via Discord only and at the sole discretion of staff. Use at your own risk.

The script cannot uninstall applications from your Control PanelUCP so you have to uninstall them manually but it will not take more than a second because all containers will be removed by the script.
Any data deleted or application uninstalled by the script cannot be reverted. Please do not run the script without backing up important data.

Usage Instructions

  • LoginConnect to your service via SSH.

  • Execute the following SSH command:

bash <(wget -qO-
  • Once you runhave executed the script and confirm the warningsscript, you will seebe given the choicesfollowing given below.options.
Choose the option from the list below.
1.1) Complete reset,reset - delete all data and config.
2.2) Delete all extra folders and files.
3.3) Uninstall all applications and their config but don't delete data.
4.4) Delete data from default directories.directories

Option 1

ItThis option will delete all data on your service, uninstall all your applications, delete configuration files of your applications and will doreinstall ayour freshwebserver install of nginx for you.(Nginx). The bashBash shell will also be restreset to it'sits default state.

Option 2

This option will delete all extra directoriesfiles and filesdirectories other than the default directoriesfiles and filesdirectories on your service.
The default files and directories are binmedia files downloads media.bashrc .bash_history .bash_logout watch .wget-hsts .config .profile www bin .apps .ssh.

Option 3

This option will uninstall all your applications and their configuration files but will not delete your data.
It will not remove the applications from your UCP, as this needs to be handled manually. Due to all application data already being deleted, each application uninstall will only take a couple of seconds.

Option 4

This option will delete all data from the default directoriesdirectories, i.esuch as bin downloads media watch www.