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External Backup Script using Rclone mount

This script will back up your application config files, databases, and torrent sessions (not the torrent data). For it to work you need an rclone mount set up on your service.

This is an unofficial script that is provided for your convenience. The script is provided as-is and may not be updated or maintained by CustomersClients are welcome to use and customize unofficial scripts for their unique needs and requirements. Unofficial support may be offered via Discord only and at the sole discretion of staff. Use at your own risk.



  • Connect to your service via SSH
  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm1 and press ENTER to proceed with the installation.
  • Press 1 and ENTER.installation
  • Type your rcloneRclone remote name, e.g gdrive and press ENTER to confirm
  • Done!


  • At 00:00 on every Sunday the script will now upload the backup to your remote cloud storage.
  • To change the backup interval, execute crontab -e and find the line with the Ultra_Backup script. Use to change the interval at the beginning of the line.


  • Log filesfile can be found at ~/scripts/Ultra_Backup/backup.log


  • Connect to your service via SSH
  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm2 and press ENTER to proceed with the uninstallation.
  • Press 2 and ENTER.Done!

The script will ask you to confirm the uninstallation with YES or NO.

  • Press 1 for uninstall. Press ENTER to confirm.