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Application Monitor

This is an unofficial script that is provided for your convenience. The script is unofficialprovided as-is and may not supportedbe updated or maintained by Customers are welcome to use and customize unofficial scripts for their unique needs and requirements. Unofficial support may be offered via Discord only and at the sole discretion of staff. Use at your own risk.

The Application monitor script can be used to automatically restart applications if they go offline unexpectedly. The activity can be logged to a log file or be sent to Discord. The script will monitor all official applications that have been installed via the UCP.


Before you can proceed with installing the Application monitor script, Python needs to be version 3.6 or above.

Upgrade Python

  • Connect to your slot via SSH, see guide here.
  • Once connected, execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the installation.
  • Next, pick a Python version above 3.6 or type 4 for latest version
  • Press ENTER to confirm.
  • When the installation has finished, execute the following command:
source ~/.profile

With Python updated to version 3.6 or above, you can proceed the installation.

Install Application Monitor

  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the installation.
  • Next, you will be presented with three options:
Please choose option from below if you want notification on discord or info as a log file on your service
1. Store Applications status on your service at {~/script/app_monitor}
2. To get application status on your Discord(You need Discord Webhook for it)
3. To uninstall the script.
Please select option 1 or 2: 


  • Press 1 to store application status in a log file on your service. Press ENTER to confirm.
  • Press ENTER to confirm.


  • Press 2 to push application status notifications to Discord via webhook. Press ENTER to confirm.
  • Paste your Discord webhook URL.
  • Press ENTER to confirm.


  • Execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
  • Type confirm to proceed with the installation.
  • Next, you will be presented with three options:
  • Press 3 to uninstall script. Press ENTER to confirm.

The script will ask you to confirm the uninstallation with YES or NO.

  • Press 1 for uninstall. Press ENTER to confirm.

Log Location

  • For users who are storing logs, they can be found at these locations:
  1. Torrent Client Logs: ~/scripts/app_monitor/torrent_clients.log

  2. Docker Application Logs: ~/scripts/app_monitor/docker_apps.log


An issue that may occur with manual upgrades of containerized applications
  • The script checks all applications periodically and either restarts or upgrades them. If you upgrade an application manually, it will be down for a certain amount of time. If the script happens to run when the application is down due to your manual upgrade action, the script will queue another upgrade. This will result in your application upgrading twice, it's not a major issue, but it's not ideal either.