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Terms of Service

Services may not be used without agreeing to the Terms. The Terms are accepted by the customer and Ultraseedbox whenever Services are ordered or paid for by the customer. The Terms are maintained independently of any other agreement between Ultraseedbox and the customer. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with Ultraseedbox, any secondary agreements between Ultraseedbox and the customer will always include at a minimum, the Terms outlined here. If a secondary agreement between Ultraseedbox and customer contradicts any attribute of Terms as outlined here, the secondary agreement shall take precedence. You may not use the services if you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Ultraseedbox, or you are barred from receiving services under the laws of India or the country in which you will be using the Services.. The most current version of Terms will be available at

General Terms of Service

  1. Any content or action taken on any UltraSeedbox plan is the responsibility of the client. Any actions taken out on a slot, authorized by the client or not, will reflect on the client themselves. The user is required to follow all Terms of Service outlined here and will be referred to as “TOS” henceforth.

  2. The user is responsible for ensuring their services are suitably secured. UltraSeedbox will not be responsible for any loss of data or traffic that results from a user’s lack of security. Unique passwords must be used on all UltraSeedbox services.

  3. Accounts are for use of the client only. Any issues that arise from the sharing of an account with friends or family is the client’s sole responsibility. UltraSeedbox will not support or provide advice in regards to multiple users on a single account.

  4. The following tools/programs are prohibited to be run on any UltraSeedbox plan:

    • Tor relays/exit nodes
    • Hacking tools
    • Spamming tools
    • Phishing
    • Fraudulent gateways
    • Any malicious content that could reflect poorly on UltraSeedbox
    • Mining tools
  5. All user resources must be configured with authentication. This includes any applications and prohibits the use of open directories

  6. Payments made are the responsibility of the client. Any unpaid invoices will result in the service for the said invoice being suspended, with eventual termination and deletion of all data if left unpaid. Any over-payments due to incorrect PayPal subscriptions are non-refundable. These payments will be added to the client’s account as a credit to be used on future invoices.

  7. Please treat staff with respect at all times. In return, we will treat clients with respect. Any client being excessively rude will risk being banned from Ultraseedbox.

  8. The resale of any UltraSeedbox service or part thereof is strictly forbidden. Any user found to be reselling any services hosted on our slots will immediately terminated with no refund given. This is including, but not limited to; selling access to any streaming application, hosting IPTV services on our slots or using our slots to distribute files in exchange for a payment.

  9. Users are responsible for ensuring the safety of data stored on their UltraSeedbox slot. Our services are not redundant and data loss can occur. We recommend backing up any important files to dedicated cloud hosts.

  10. Ultraseedbox reserves the right to alter prices, storage quantities, network rates, network volumes, and computational capabilities of all services at its sole discretion.

  11. We reserve the right to amend the TOS outlined here at any point in time, continued use of our services is dependent on the client following all these terms.

Account and Slot Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the client to ensure the information kept on their slot is backed up and secure at all times. We strongly suggest backing important information up to an external cloud location; we are a seedbox provider, not a storage provider. Drive failure can happen and we are unable to guarantee the information will be recovered.

We also recommend using unique, secure passwords to be set for UCP, customer portal, SSH and all apps. Any applications or content on our services that are not in line with our TOS will be considered a violation of our TOS, regardless of if an account was compromised.

Sharing and Reselling

Allowing public access to our services is forbidden. This includes public http directories, hosting video streams or hosting public services. Any client found allowing public access to any services will be asked to stop, failure to comply will result in account termination.

Reselling of any aspect of our services is strictly forbidden. Any client found to be accepting money or other payments in exchange for any sort of access to our services will be immediately terminated and ineligible for a refund.

Fair Usage

Our services run on shared resources, as a result, it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that their activities do not negatively impact other client’s experiences. The backbone of our fair use policy is this; Understand how your applications and activities may impact other users and limit their resource consumption to ensure that everyone has a positive experience.

Clients must ensure that any applications they run are kept within acceptable limitations. All clients must be aware of how their actions impact their neighbors and take measures to ensure that other clients are not negatively affected. UltraSeedbox may stop, without warning, any applications that are negatively affecting other clients. In extreme scenarios where clients are negatively affecting other clients, the client’s slot may be suspended or terminated.

Many applications may cause excessive resource consumption without the client’s knowledge. One of our largest offenders is rclone or similar remote cloud mounting software based on it. We ask all clients to ensure reasonably limits are set in all rclone related commands to ensure that they do not hog too many resources. Please also understand that the use of rclone mounts in applications can cause stability issues. Due to the many variables, we are unable to provide support for issues involving rclone or cloud storage in general.

Unmetered plans are expected to be aware of fair usage. We offer a limit of 100TB on all unmetered plans, this equates to 3TB per day or a constant rate of greater than 260MB/s. Any client reaching the 100TB limit is not being fair to neighboring users and as a result is in violation of our fair use policy.

Ultraseedbox has every right to regain control of the abused resource from users without prior notice. Ultraseedbox will not be liable nor responsible for any customer/user loss out of this arrangement, and there will not be any refund of customer paid fee. Users of all Ultraseedbox services agree not to interfere with other users in an unfair or malicious manner such that other users are not able to receive the due level of services. In all Ultraseedbox services, the word "unlimited" refers to an "unmetered" usage, but not without restrictions. Ultraseedbox reserves the right to impose restrictions of various sorts to ensure a fair usage amongst the user community without prior notice, to existing and new users, and upon repeated warnings, suspend and/or terminate offending users.

Forbidden content

The following content is strictly forbidden:

  • Tor relays and/or exit nodes
  • Child pornography
  • IPTV hosting or sharing
  • VOD (Video on Demand) hosting services of any kind
  • Kodi add-ons and repositories
  • Publicly hosted files
  • Any hacking tools


Invoices are sent 10 days prior to the due date of the service, an invoice reminder will then be sent 3 days prior. If the invoice remains unpaid after midnight on the due date the slot will be suspended. Invoice reminders will be sent out on the first, second and fifth days after the due date. If the invoice remains unpaid after midnight on the fifth day the slot will be terminated and all data will be deleted permanently. Any payments past 5 days after the due date will result in a new slot being created, this slot is not ineligible for our refund policy.


Our Refund Policy is in place as a means to test our service. Any NEW client, one that has not previously had a service with us before, is entitled to a pro-rata refund of their service if applied for within the first seven days. This refund is based on the percentage of traffic used on the slot. (for example; if 30% of the allocated traffic is used - the client will be entitled to a refund of 70%) This refund option applies only to a client’s, first service’s, first month, it is not an ongoing option. If multiple services are opened at the same time only a single will be eligible for a refund. If we expect or have found a client to be in violation of our TOS they will not be eligible for a refund.


All clients are entitled to cancel their service at any point in time. To cancel a service a cancellation request must be made from the Client Portal. We offer two options; immediate cancellation and to cancel at the end of the billing period. If immediate cancellation is selected, the slot will be terminated and wiped shortly after the request. If immediate cancellation was selected by mistake we are unable to guarantee that any data will be recoverable. If cancellation at end of the billing period is selected the slot will be terminated and wiped at the end of the billing period. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that all active PayPal recurring payments are canceled.

Subscriptions and Overpayments

PayPal subscriptions are the sole responsibility of the client to manage. We are unable to cancel these on a client’s behalf and as a result, require the client to cancel any unneeded ones when they cancel or upgrade service with us, we also require the client to keep track of any set up subscriptions to avoid overpayment due to duplicate payments. Any overpayments on our services will be added to the relevant Ultraseedbox account and can be accessed and used as credit on future invoices/services, these overpayments are non-refundable.

Chargebacks and PayPal Disputes

When opening a service with us clients agree to contact us first regarding any issues. The use of a PayPal dispute or a chargeback to forcibly revoke funding from us is considered a violation of our TOS. Any clients who commit either of these actions will be blacklisted from using any services with us in the future.


The customer understands and agrees to the Privacy Policy provided by Ultraseedbox.

Failure to Pay

Ultraseedbox retains the right to remove or retain the content stored on Ultraseedbox's servers in the event of non-payment for the services.

Proprietary Rights

The customer acknowledges that Ultraseedbox owns all legal right, title and interest in and to the Services, including any intellectual property rights which subsist in the services (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist).

Content License

The customer retains copyright and all other rights they already hold in content which is stored on, or distributed through Services provided by Ultraseedbox. By storing or distributing content through Services, you give Ultraseedbox a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide and royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, and publicly perform, publicly display and distribute said content using services. The customer agrees that this license includes a right for Ultraseedbox to make such content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom Ultraseedbox has relationships for the provision of syndicated services, and to use such content in connection with the provision of those services. You understand that Ultraseedbox, in performing the required technical steps to provide the Services to our users, may: a) transmit or distribute your content over various public networks and in various media b) make such changes to your content as are necessary to conform and adapt that content to the technical requirements of connecting networks, devices, services or media You agree that this license shall permit Ultraseedbox to take these actions. You confirm and warrant to Ultraseedbox that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the above license.

Software & Service Updates

Any software provided with the Services may be updated or altered at any time. These changes are often to improve the quality of the Services and fix problems. You agree to receive such updates.

Compliance with Law

The customer accepts full responsibility and accountability for all content stored on, downloaded to, or distributed from their Services. The customer certifies that they have legal rights to distribute and store everything stored on their Services, and all content is legal under Indian law, in addition to the laws of the country or region in which the customer resides, and the laws of the countries or regions in which their Services reside.

Common Carrier

Ultraseedbox and customer agree that Ultraseedbox is solely acting as a common carrier in its capacity of providing services. The customer agrees that they are the publisher of any material or information and responsible for it adhering to the Terms. The content distributed by customer is in no way reflective of Ultraseedbox. Ultraseedbox does not filter or inspect the content distributed by the customer using our, as outlined in our Privacy Policy. All material stored or distributed by the customer is considered publicly accessible. Ultraseedbox’s distribution of content provided by customer does not express or implies approval of material by Ultraseedbox, nor does it confirm that the material is in compliance with the Terms.

Availability of Services

The customer understands and agrees that interruptions of any services may occur at any time and without prior notification, and may continue for any duration. The customer agrees that under no circumstances will Ultraseedbox be held liable for any financial or other damages due to such interruptions. In no event shall Ultraseedbox be held liable to the customer for any damages, including but not limited to refunds, fees, loss of profits, loss of income, or cost of replacement services. The failure or interruption shall not be considered a default under these Terms.

Limitation of Liability

Ultraseedbox is not liable for protection or privacy of any content transmitted through the Internet or any other network provider, or services the customer may use.


The customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Ultraseedbox harmless from and against any and all claims, obligations, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by Ultraseedbox arising from or due to claims made by third parties (including customers of the customer) that are related to or arising out of: a) false advertising claims against customer (or customers of customer) b) liability claims for products or services sold by customer (or customer's customers) any other transactions between customer and third parties. c) any content or links located on Ultraseedbox's website from time to time including, without limitation, content submitted by customer for publication by Ultraseedbox

Force Majeure

Ultraseedbox shall not be liable to the customer or any other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance under these Terms if such failure is due to any cause or causes including, but not limited to strikes, riots, vandalism, fires, inclement weather, third-party provider outages, cable cuts, power crisis shortages, acts of terrorism, and or uncontrollable acts of God, or other similar occurrences; any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the Indian government or of any other government (including provincial and local governmental agency, department, commission, court, bureau, corporation or other instrumentality of any one or more of said governments) or of any civil or military authority; national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars; or strikes, lockouts, or work stoppages or other labor difficulties; failures, shortages, breaches or delays.


Ultraseedbox and the customer shall use their best efforts to keep the provisions (including price) of all agreements from the public, competitors, or others who may gain benefit from such knowledge unless required by law to divulge such information to regulatory authorities or unless required in connection with enforcing that party's rights hereunder.

Relationship of the Parties

The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by these Terms, and that no additional partnership, joint venture or employee/employer relationship is intended – unless otherwise specific in a separate agreement.


Any party's failure to insist on compliance or enforcement of any provision of these Terms shall not affect its validity or enforceability or constitute a waiver of future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision of these Terms.

Attorneys' Fees


Any notice under these Terms may be e-mailed, delivered personally or to such other places as the parties may designate in writing.

Data Back-up & Recovery

The customer is responsible for independent backup of data stored on Ultraseedbox’s servers; unless the customer has arranged for services which include backup services in which case data backup will be performed under the terms of the specific data backup plan chosen by the customer. Ultraseedbox shall never be held liable for failure to recover data in the event of any sort of failure, and shall never be held accountable financially or otherwise for loss of data.