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Adding torrents using Remote Torrent Adder

This guide is for advanced users only and is not officially supported by USB, as it is frequently updated voluntarily by our staff and it may be broken in some slots. Only proceed if you know what you're doing. If there are any questions on the installation or the execution of the scripts, you may ask on the USB Community server.

As many of you know, Deluge is fast and more aggressive to upload but it starts to become a real nuisance once you load more than 500 torrents. rTorrent, on the other hand, is good at handling large amount of seeding torrents, making it ideal for long term seeding.

This guide will help you automate the process of moving your torrents from Deluge to rTorrent for long-term seeding.


  • By default, Deluge downloads to ~/Downloads and rTorrent downloads to ~/files.
  • Please ensure that both Deluge and rTorrent download to the same directory.

Deluge requires an absolute path to your Download to: directory, so you'll have to enter something like /home13/username/Downloads, not ~/Downloads. rTorrent, on the other hand, will accept shortcuts such as ~/Downloads.

Install Dependencies

  • Login to your slot's SSH terminal and execute the following commands

Python 3

chmod +x


screen -m bash -c "curl -L | bash"
  • After that run the following commands
exec $SHELL
python -m pip install requests service_identity cryptography perl
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Convert::Bencode'
  • The installer is interactive so respond to the prompts as follows

Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes] yes

What approach do you want? (Choose 'local::lib', 'sudo' or 'manual')[local::lib]

Would you like me to append that to /homexx/username/.bashrc now? [yes] yes

  • After the installation, load .bashrc by doing the following command
exec $SHELL

Download Scripts

  • For this guide, we will install it in ~/scripts
    • You may choose another folder accordingly.
  • Run the following:
mkdir -p $HOME/scripts && cd $HOME/scripts


  • Edit in your favorite editor. We'll use nano.
  • The following are optional fields and can be leave as blank
    • Fill out discord_url if you want Discord notifications
    • Enable is_interactive if you want to run the script manually and see the output in your terminal.
  • Find this section of the script and edit accordingly
# Customize
is_interactive = False 								# Set this to True to allow direct output or set to False for cron
discord_url = "" 									# Discord Webhook URL
minseedtime = 24 									# Minimum seeding time (in hours)
src = home_dir + "/scripts/" 						# Where is kept?
state_folder = home_dir + "/.config/deluge/state/" 	# Link to deluge's state folder
watch_folder = home_dir + "/watch/" 				# Link to rTorrent's watch folder
deluge_port = 12345 								# Deluge Port. Found under "Remote client access" section in UCP
deluge_user = "username" 							# Deluge Username. Found under "Remote client access" section in UCP
deluge_pass = "p@55w0rd" 							# Deluge Password. Found under "Remote client access" section in UCP

It is critical you ensure your folder paths are properly quoted

For example: watch_folder = "/homeXX/user/watch/"

  • is the script you'll actually run. The script essentially just runs the script, but specifically using the custom version of Python included with Deluge.
  • Save the script on scripts folder
chmod +x


  • You can now choose to test out your script by running it manually

Be sure to set is_interactive = True in order to see the output in your terminal window

Setting Up Scheduling with cron

  • To set up a cron job
crontab -e
  • Add the following entry to run the script every 6 hours
    • Assuming you want to execute the script every 6 hours
0 */6 * * * ~/scripts/

For more information on crontab schedules, visit