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Please make yourself aware of the Fair Usage Policy.Policy.

Directly pointing Syncthing to sync your cloud storage will create extreme strain on your Slot's disk and could cause a 24-hour ban on accessing your cloud storage. Please Consider Rsync or Rclone with a reasonable limit set on speed.

Additionally, pointing to Syncthing to an active download directory, enabling the Watch for Changes feature, or setting a higher scan interval than the default value, can very quickly result in a FUP warning. Take proper precautions while configuring Syncthing.

It is your responsibility to ensure usage is within acceptable limits. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Syncthing is a free, open-source, peer-to-peer file synchronization application that's written in Go. It synchronizes files between two or more computers securely and seamlessly.

For more informationinformation, on this, please visitfollow this link.

In this section, we'll be setting up Syncthing for the first time. For this guide, we'll assume you want to set up a folder on your service as your "dropbox," which will be synced automatically to your Windows PC.


  • Download and install Syncthing on both your service and the devices you prefer. You may refer to Syncthing Downloads to get which apps to use for your preferred platform. For this guide, we'll be installing SyncTrazor along with Syncthing on the service.
  • Login to your service via SSH and create a folder that will be used to sync foldersdata with.between your service and your local machine. For this guide, we'll be creating a folder named Syncthing. Also, get the fullabsolute path of the folder by doing pwd as shown below.
usbdocs@lw873:ultradocs@spica:~$ mkdir Syncthing
usbdocs@lw873:ultradocs@spica:~$ ls
bin  Downloads  files  media  openvpn  >Syncthing<  watch  www
usbdocs@lw873:ultradocs@spica:~$ cd Syncthing/
usbdocs@lw873:ultradocs@spica:~/Syncthing$ pwd

Please be aware that if you are on a Ultra.ccnone basedlwxxx hostname server (name.server,e.g nospica numbers)instead of lw822, lw900, etc). The absolute path should be used without numbers on the home directory. For example, /home/username/Syncthing isinstead requiredof do not add the numbers./home20/username/Syncthing

Do notNOT attempt to mount your rcloneRclone remote directly on your home directory. This will lead to instabilities. Instead, always create and use an empty folder within your home directory.

Setting up Syncthing on service

  • Upon installation and entering the set credentials, the Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting? window appears. Read over this and select if you agree with data reporting or not.

  • Click Add folder.folder

  • Then enter the following information. Once that's done, click Save.information:


Folder Label: {Any}
Folder Path: {output of pwd}
  • Click Save

Setting up Sharing on the PC

Shown here is instructions for Windows using SyncTrazor, but it should be similar to all other devices that support SyncthingSyncthing.

  • Get the Slot's device ID by going to Actions -> Show ID. Copy the generated ID above.

  • Launch SyncTrazor, the Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting? window appears. Read over this and select if you agree with data reporting or not.

  • Then under Remote Devices, click Add Remote Device

  • Then enter the following information. Once that's done, click Save.information:


Device ID: {Paste Slot Device ID here}
Device Name: {can be blank}

Auto accept: Checked
Addresses: Listen Address of Syncthing as given in your Control Panel. 
Example: tcp://
Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s): 20000
Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s): 20000 
  • Click Save

  • Go back to your Syncthing Slot; you should see a New Device window. Confirm that it is indeed your device by checking the Device names and Device IDs shown and click Add device.

  • Then enter the following information. Once that's done, click Save.


Device ID: {SyncTrazor Device ID here}
Device Name: {automatically filled}

Auto accept: Checked
Share Folders with Device: {Check the folder you just created. In this case, Syncbox}
Advanced: Device Limits

Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s): {optional}
Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s): {optional}
  • Your synced Slot folder will show up on SyncTrazor in %HOMEPATH%. For this case, it's in %HOMEPATH%\Syncbox

  • To sync files to and from your Slot, just copy/move files from your Slot/PC to Syncbox, and it will automatically sync.