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Setting Up megatools

megatools is a collection of programs for accessing and managing account from your terminal. It allows the following features:

  • Copy individual files as well as entire directory trees to and from your account
  • Perform streaming downloads without needing to download the entire file.
  • Register your account using the megatools reg command, with the benefit of having proper control of your encryption keys.

In this short guide, we'll be showing you how to install/upgrade and uninstall megatools from your service, as well as a short description of the commands you can do on megatools.

Installing/Upgrading/Uninstalling megatools

  • You can run the following command to install megatools into your service via SSH:
bash <(wget -qO-

megatools commands

  • Listed below are the following commands of megatools.
megatools reg
	Register and verify a new mega account
megatools df
	Show your cloud storage space usage/quota
megatools ls
	List all remote files
megatools test
	Test for existence of files or folders
megatools export
	Create public links for remote files
megatools mkdir
	Create remote directory
megatools rm
	Remove remote file or directory
megatools put
	Upload individual files
megatools get
	Download individual files
megatools dl
	Download file from a "public" Mega link (doesn’t require login)
megatools copy
	Upload or download a directory tree
  • You can get the usage guide by running megatools --help options.
  • You may also view the latest man pages here: megatools(1)