Torrent Clients
Guides, scripts and tutorials to extend functionality on torrent clients.
Remote Torrent Adder and Torrent Control
In this guide, we'll be setting up extensions that send torrent files from your browser to your r...
ruTorrent Ratiocolor plugin
Ratiocolor is a ruTorrent plugin that will colorize the ratio column in different colors dependin...
ruTorrent Ratio Groups
Ratio groups are an advanced feature in rTorrent & ruTorrent that give you precise control over s...
Electorrent is a remote control client desktop application for qBittorrent, rTorrent, Transmissio...
Torrent Session Migration
We do not officially support or assist with migrating your torrent session state. There is alway...
Find Corrupted Torrents
Take care while deleting files within your torrent session state. We do not take any responsibil...